Federal Court Judge, Barry Russell, Finds That, Aniko Kaye "is guilty of masssive bankruptcy fraud and deception"!
This website is dedicated to publicizing the life and times of Aniko Kaye aka Aniko Gadial aka Aniko Devenyi aka Ann Devenyi aka any other nom de jour she conjures up. Join me as I reveal the schemes, cons and lies of a unique individual who truly provides meaning to the word "sociopath". Here, I will recount the years spent bringing her to accountability for her mistreatment of people and her vision of invincibility. I'll post interesting and conflicting snippets of her sworn testimony and videos showing her disdain towards those who dare make her answerable for her wrongdoings.
Residents of her Beverly Hills, Roxbury Drive building, were subjected to her slumlord management techniques for so long that I decided to take action. For 15 months I didn't pay rent. Because of my steadfast and stubborn nature and the loyalty and skill of my attorney, David J. Harter, Aniko failed to have the courts evict me on three different occasions. Later, 10 other tenants joined me in a fight for our rights. I sought out Attorney Harter to represent the Roxbury Tenants and our representation was later enhanced by the litigation skills of attorney Greg Brown. Together, we presented evidence of not only Aniko's violation of habitable housing ordinances, but several other rental ordinances, municipal laws and State laws.
As this case has now concluded, postings will not be in chronological order of occurrence, but will rather present the highlights of an interesting 3 year battle with Aniko.